About This Episode

The anniversary is just kind of another day for me. It hurts the same and feels the same whether it's 730 days or 731 days. I do want to honor the day itself in some way though. We started the 10ninety podcast on July 25, 2022. The one year anniversary of the car accident that took the lives of my wife Kortni, Son Riggins, Daughter Franki, Brother Race and Nephew Rider on July 25, 2021. The accident also claimed the lives of other people and families. What a terrible lonely day. So... What am I going to do about it? What is anyone who had any affiliation with that accident going to do about it? What are you going to do about your demons and terrible lonely days? Because it happened, it's done, you can't change it. Do we look for pity, special treatment, and wonder why me, poor me? Do we become bitter and hate the world and the people in it? Do we run away from accountablity and avoid future circumstances that might lead us to suffering and pain again? Or do we battle on? Appreciating what pain and death and obstacles can teach us? With the mindset that you can take my wife, you can take my son, you can take my daughter, you can take my brother, you can take my nephew but you won't take away my fighting spirit to carry on and the love I have for each of them. You can't take away my desire to be virtuous for virtuous sake and instead of hating it, what if I loved it? Thank you to Sam and Ryan for joining the 10ninety family. Thanks to all of our sponsors, listeners, and true believers of the 10ninety rule. I love you Kortni I love you Riggins I love you Franki I love you Race I love you Rider Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you're going to do about it.

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